I haven't given up on culinary school, though! I'm still an active student.
I did have a few minor setback's, though. Earlier this year we lost my grandfather rather unexpectedly. I wasn't in such a good place when this happened and so I took a step or two back. I'm in a much better place emotionally now, and am back on track, ready to graduate in the Spring.
Though he was 92, he had been in his right mind for most of those 92 years. Last September, when I saw him on my grandma's birthday, was the last time that I ever got to see him in his "normal" state. Seems he had dementia, or an onset of Alzheimer's disease, we're not clear. Whatever the case may be, he was still around with us, just in a very confused state. He was convinced that my grandma wasn't his real wife, that she was someone who was pretending to be his wife. After 60+ years of marriage, that was probably the most heartbreaking thing to have to witness. I can't fathom how difficult it must've been on my grandma.
My papa passed away on Feb. 19th, 2014 and we buried him on the 22nd. Just one week later, my older cousin got married and it was entirely bittersweet. Entirely.
Also this year, my daughter announced that she was pregnant. I was deeply depressed and upset in the beginning, for she isn't married and is very young, only 21. In time I learned to accept it, and even became excited for the birth of my first grandchild. We now have Sebastian John in our lives, and I am one proud Grandma. Sebastian carries as his middle name the first name of my grandfather, and his son, who is also gone but not forgotten.
This past Summer semester, I took off. I'm done with humanities and anything non-culinary (except business math which wasn't offered) and took that time to prepare for the baby's arrival. I painted all of the used furniture that we have acquired. Changing table, crib and whatnot. Deep into Summer my mom's baby sister, my Aunt Kathy and I took my grandma to South Carolina to visit with her family. She got to see her elderly uncle who was 97 or 98. He passed away a few short weeks after our visit. We even took a trip up into the North Carolina mountains. Everything seemed to be going in the right direction, just when I thought that thing's were looking up, on our trip I got a phone call that during a horrific storm 2 trees had fallen onto our double-wide home, and almost completely destroyed it. With a new baby on the way, coming very quickly, and a dog we set out looking for a place large enough to house all 4 of us + new baby, 1 dog and lot's of furnishings. It proved to be a very difficult task, and we stayed with my brother in law and sister in law for about 5 or 6 weeks until we finally settled on the rental we have now. It's not perfect, but it's home, for now.
I am still planning on relocating to the Orlando area, when I graduate. My boyfriend and I, and our pup - Tucker. My kids aren't interested in going down there right now, so it looks like we'll be empty nesters for the first time in 15 years. I'm not really sure that I am ready for that chapter in my life, I'm having a hard time with accepting this.
So, in a nutshell, I have had one very stressful and difficult year. One thing remains, I have my family, I have my loving boyfriend, my 2 children who are awesome and 1 gorgeous new grandson. Our love will never falter for each other.
I am happy in school. I love being back in class. Garde Manger is my favorite class this semester. So far we have done canning, made sausage and discussed/tasted various cheeses. Chef will soon be teaching us ice carving, and we'll carve our own block of ice with a chainsaw! LOL! I don't know if I'm excited or scared about that :)
Hopefully I will be active in this blog once more, and not forget what it's all about.
I'm leaving you with a few food pictures that I have taken over the last several months.
Happy cooking!

Black bean, potato, spinach and chorizo hash. YUM!

Delicious deep fried apple fritters. On a whim one day my daughter and I decided to make these, after seeing a recipe posted on my Facebook wall!

My new grandson, Sebastian John. He was exactly 3 weeks old in this picture.
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